HOW THIS METHOD OF 3D (anaglyph) WORKS 3D in its anaglyph form works by duplicating the minor differences in our normal view between the left eye and the right eye, and then combining the two aspects into one overlapping image. When seen with the naked eye, the picture looks like it's been printed slightly out of register. Putting on the (red-cyan) 3D glasses separates the views again. The brain puts the picture back together, allowing the three-dimensional sensation to occur. By copying the way the vision works, the longer you look at an anaglyph image, the more the brain is convinced it's seeing a three-dimensional image and the better the pictures appear.
WHY WE WILL PROBABLY ALWAYS NEED VIEWERS TO SEE THESE PICTURES Because the effect works by dividing the picture into what the left eye and the right eye see differently, it's unlikely 3D will ever leave the need for glasses, or some other similar system, behind. This version of 3D imaging, or anaglyph, uses red and cyan colours to achieve the effects.
The images can be reproduced on any surface without mechanical viewing means. From newsprint to mobile phone screens to giant billboards, all that's required to gain the extra dimension is a pair of red-cyan viewers.
Television and the cinema apply the same principle of two slightly varying pictures but use a different way to present them. Projecting the images alternately at high speed but too quickly for the conscious mind to differentiate, the polarising glasses allow each eye its own view. This method requires moving machinery to work and is not suitable for print.
CUSTOMERS: HOW YOU CAN GET THESE GLASSES TO WORK FOR YOU 3D glasses can be easily and inexpensively supplied and distributed in paper formats with arms that offer ample space for promotional text and logos. Sponsors can help defray the cost in exchange for commercial space. The glasses can be used repeatedly and once the client, customer, purchaser or reader has a pair, any subsequent anaglyph image can be properly seen. This benefit is useful when sending out further 3D shots, for example as email updates, flyers or advertising. The viewers are also available in more durable plastic versions.
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