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These images are, more or less, black and white copies of the pictures in 3Ds - basic.
ALGERIA, Algiers, Hotel Djazair_001_bwALGERIA, Djemila, Carcalla Arch_0009_bwALGERIA, Algiers, Hotel Djazair_0032_bwALGERIA, Djemila, Decumanus_0001_bwALGERIA, Djemila, inscriptions_0010_bwALGERIA, Djemila, N. Forum arches_0005_bwALGERIA, Djemila, N. Forum_0005_bwALGERIA, Djemila, overview_0001ALGERIA, Djemila, overview_0016_bwALGERIA, Lambaesis, Amphitheatre_0006_bwALGERIA, Lambaesis, Amphitheatre_0012_bwALGERIA, Lambaesis, Crossing Hall - barracks_0005_bwALGERIA, Tiddis misc_004_bwALGERIA, Tipasa, Temple_0001_bwALGERIA, Tipasa, Amphitheatre_0022_brALGERIA, Tipasa, Cardo_0004_bwALGERIA, Tipasa, Temple_003_br