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These images are, more or less, black and white copies of the pictures in 3Ds - basic.
SWEDEN, Abisko_0037_bwSWEDEN, Abisko_0045_bwSWEDEN, Abisko_0067_bwSWEDEN, Abisko_0081_bwSWEDEN, Abisko_0083a_bwSWEDEN, Dave's ice sculpture_001_bwSWEDEN, Dog sledding_0041_bwSWEDEN, Dog sledding_0088_bwSWEDEN, Dog sledding_0092_bwSWEDEN, Dog sledding_0097_bwSWEDEN, Ice Hotel_0005_bwSWEDEN, Ice Hotel_0012_bwSWEDEN, Ice Hotel_0016_bwSWEDEN, Ice Hotel_0026_bwSWEDEN, Ice Hotel_0031_bwSWEDEN, Ice Hotel_0033_bwSWEDEN, Ice Hotel_0037_bwSWEDEN, Ice Hotel_0041_bwSWEDEN, Ice Hotel, Artikos_0005_bwSWEDEN, Ice Hotel, exteriors_0001_bw